Commercial Drivers are Heroes
A lively episode with Director of Operational Excellence, David Gurney.
Three Key Takeaways
1. The difference between amateurs and professionals is entirely based on their habits and mindset; the only way to become better at anything is to spend time working at it.
2. Amateurs stall after failure. Professionals grow after failure because they understand that failure is an inevitable and necessary part of growth. This said, the greatest professionals also learn from the failures and near-misses of others.
3. You can’t think and act like a Pro if you still believe that you’re an amateur. This is why it’s so important to shift your identity. You have the power—right now—to believe that you are a professional.
Do This: Recognize that your professionalism matters. You owe it to yourself, your family, your colleagues, and your community to be a professional. More is riding on your professionalism than you may realize.